Sunday, July 03, 2005

Qpids: Sunday Loventure 3

In the third episode of Qpids Sunday Loventures, we learn that the JARLA LABSTEAM ranked #2 among the 8 remaining loveteams for Week 6 of Qpids. Congratulations!!

CF's Note: Paw & Mikel originally ranked #2, but due to the penalty applied to the PawEl loveteam, all remaining loveteams moved up in rank.


Also in this week's episode of Qpids Sunday Loventure, we see Carla and Janus together backstage on Heartbreak Night, as well as a short video clip from their Flores de Mayo procession.

In the screenshot below, the two of them were having fun playing "tour guide" for the Qpids cameraman by pointing out the Rizal Monument that is visible to their far right. LOL.

CF's Note: Looks good enough to be a postcard picture, IMHO. :D

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